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The mission of the Agricultural Products Utilization Commission (APUC) is to create wealth and jobs though the development of new and expanded uses of North Dakota’s agricultural products. This is accomplished through the administration of a grant program.

A maximum of 15 qualifying applicants present funding proposals for the following categories on a quarterly basis: basic and applied research grants; marketing and utilization grants; farm diversification grants; and an agricultural prototype development grant program.

Please note: Qualifying APUC grants are for North Dakota companies that add value to a raw North Dakota agriculture commodity.

APUC Application Process       APUC Board of Directors       APUC Investments

APUC Meeting Dates


February 21 & 22 - Jamestown
May 15 & 16 - Dickinson
July 31 & August 1 - Carrington
November 13 & 14 – Williston

For more information or to request a copy of their most recent annual report, contact:

John F. Schneider
[email protected]


Inez Ryberg
[email protected]

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