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 North Dakota Department of Commerce
 1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 2
 Bismarck, ND 58503
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Application Process

Applicants are invited to present their proposals to the commission on a quarterly basis. Thirty minutes are allowed for each presentation, including a question and answer period. A maximum of 15 qualifying presentations will be heard each quarter. The deadlines for submitting applications are: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. The commission typically holds its meetings within one month following the deadline. An agenda is forwarded to applicants shortly after the submission of the proposal.

Funding Criteria

Qualifying APUC grants are for North Dakota companies that add value to a raw North Dakota agriculture commodity.

Applications are weighed on a 100-point scale:

Up to 30 points for the demonstration of a high level of probability of jobs and wealth creation.

  • Up to 30 points for the scientific and technical merit of any research, as well as the qualifications of the project's principals. An application with substantial market and commercial potential will be favored over one with little perceived economic impact. Further, research applications should be innovative as well as commercially plausible.
  • Up to 15 points for the demonstration of a high level of probability of rapid commercialization.
  • Up to 10 points for projects which demonstrate a shared commitment for funding from other sources (e.g. from the application and/or other public and private sources.)
  • Up to 5 points for geographical considerations.
  • Up to 10 additional points may be awarded based upon an individual commission member's judgment for the potential success of a proposal.
Mail all applications to:
Agricultural Products Utilization Commission
PO Box 2057
Bismarck, ND 58502-2057

For more information, contact Inez Ryberg at (701) 328-5318.  Forms and guidelines for APUC grants are provided below.


APUC Farm Diversification Grant Application

APUC Guidelines

APUC Marketing & Utilization Grant Application

APUC Nature-Based Agri-Tourism Guidelines

APUC Prototype Technology Application

APUC Prototype Technology Guidelines

APUC Research Application

APUC Technical Assistance Grant Application

APUC Technical Assistance Grant Guidelines

APUC Nature Based Tourism Application

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