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 Alien Technology Selects Fargo for Mfg Site


7/11/03 - Alien Technology, a leading producer of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) products, announced their selection of Fargo for their new research and manufacturing facility.

Alien Technology began a relationship with the North Dakota State University's Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering in 2000. The company and university worked on joint development technology programs in nanotechnology for the U.S. Department of Defense. The rewards of this relationship continue with this latest announcement.

This new project calls for a two-phase 120,000 sf construction project within NDSU�s Research & Technology Park. The first phase calls for a 40,000 sf facility followed by an 80,000 sf facility in phase two. These research and manufacturing facilities will produce nanotechnology computer chips, or "smart tags," that are about the size of a pepper flake.

Plans are for operations to begin in 2005 with 300 jobs by 2006. Projections show employment could rise as high as 1,100 employees by 2010.

Read more on this announcement:
Alien Press Release
Governor Hoeven�s Press Release

Also see:
Alien Technology Website
NDSU Research & Technology Park

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