Welcome to Growing North Dakota, the web site of Economic Development and Finance. ED&F;, a division of the North Dakota Department of Commerce, facilitates the creation of new wealth through the start-up, retention and expansion of primary-sector business. |
Two Ethanol Plant Announcements Made
3/23/2005 - Two new ethanol plants were recently announced in North Dakota.


Nominate the BEST for Governor�s Choice Award
8/3/2005 - Do you know of a project or a person who emulates successful economic development in North Dakota?


Prairie Bilt Sleds Tackle The Iditarod
3/2/2005 - A North Dakota company is responsible for 25 to 30 of the 80 sleds at Iditarod, full story at USA Today.


ND Ambassadors' Gateway
Ambassadors are business executives, alumni and others passionate about the state. Send us a business lead and you will receive a prized �LUV ND� license plate!


Unisys adding 100 Jobs
2/1/2005 - For the second time in three years, Unisys Corp. will add about 100 employees to its Bismarck service center.


ND Reclaims Title as Safest State
5/21/04 - North Dakota reclaimed its title as the nation's Safest State in an annual Morgan Quitno publication.


Bobcat Grows to Strengthen Global Position
1/12/2005 - Bobcat Company, a well-known business unit and brand of Ingersoll-Rand, announced a $9.5 million expansion in Bismarck, ND.


ND Cities Make Best Places to Do Business List
5/7/04 - Three North Dakota cities were included in the Forbes list of Best Smaller Metros for Doing Business. All three cities moved up in rank from the same listing a year ago.


Holland America Opens Center in Williston
12/3/2004 � Holland America Line today announced that it has entered into an agreement to purchase a reservations center in Williston, North Dakota.


Looking for a Site for Your Business?
We can help you locate a building or site within a city that meets your business location criteria.


Growing North Dakota - Growing Your Business The Growing North Dakota logo reflects our statewide effort to compete in the regional, national and global economies of the future. In conjunction with a host of public and private partners, the Economic Development and Finance Division is prepared to assist you in your business development endeavors. We want to demonstrate that North Dakota truly is �where it�s @� as you search for a location to start or expand your business.
Why is North Dakota�s environment right for your business? Our workers compensation premiums are among the lowest in the nation and new or expanding businesses can qualify for sales and use tax exemptions.
And then there�s our labor force . . . North Dakota�s Golden Resource! North Dakota is a right-to-work state, and our workers comprise one of the most talented, well-educated and dedicated workforces anywhere. It�s their commitment to excellence, their high productivity and low absenteeism that distinguish them as the backbone of business and industry success in North Dakota. Besides our people, we also treasure our generous natural resources � abundant and clean water, plentiful fish and wildlife, rich soil, unpolluted air � and our ability to shepherd them.
We invite you to explore the possibility of locating or expanding your business in North Dakota. The Economic Development & Finance Division stands ready to assist you in a detailed investigation of our state�s business advantages.