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 Study Ranks ND Workers Comp Rates Lowest


1/31/03 - In 2002, North Dakota employers paid the lowest workers� compensation premium rates
in the nation, according to a new survey by the Oregon Department of Consumer & Business Services. National premium rates ranged from North Dakota�s low of $1.24 per $100 of payroll to a high of $5.23
per $100 of payroll in California.

�This is great news,� said Brent Edison, Executive Director and CEO of North Dakota Workers
Compensation (NDWC). �With the legislative reforms of the mid-1990�s and the strategic decisions
made by our Board of Directors, we have come a long way in making our organization one of the best in
the country. This survey clearly demonstrates how far we have come.�

North Dakota employer premium rates have declined for 8 straight years. Total premium collected peaked
in Fiscal Year 1996 at $133 million dollars, while in fiscal year 2002 it was $93 million dollars, a 30
percent reduction since 1996. During that same time period, claims by workers have declined from 7.47
per 100 workers in 1996 to 6.60 per 100 workers in 2002. ND employer�s emphasis on safety and �returnto-
work� programs, which began in the mid-1990�s has helped to reduce the number of wage-loss claims,
thus reducing premiums.

�The cumulative effect of 8 years of premium reductions means that over $130 million dollars has gone
back into this state�s economy,� said Edison. �We hope those involved in economic development efforts
for our state can use this important information to show potential businesses thinking of relocating here,
that this is a great state to do business with, especially when it comes to workers� compensation premium

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