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Phase 2 Solutions, Inc. Announces Expansion
APUC to review funding requests totaling $313,413
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Economic Development Foundation Hosts Roundtable
California manufacturer relocates to Devils Lake
 EERC Expanding Research Facility


7/18/02 - The Energy and Environmental Research Center will hold a public groundbreaking July 30, 2002 in Grand Forks, ND. The $8 million project will add 46,000 sf, enough space for 90 new staff. EERC has added 70 staff over the last two years. The additional space will upgrade existing facilities, offices, meeting rooms and additional laboratory space. The project will completed in the fall of 2003.

EERC's contract revenues just four years ago were at $11.5 million. EERC is now on pace to reach an aggressive revenue goal of $50 million by 2006. This growth requires the current expansion of facilities.

The EERC is a research, development, demonstration, and commercialization facility committed to using a multidisciplinary, partnership approach to advancing environmentally acceptable energy technology concepts. In addition to taking on increased importance nationally, EERC initiatives, particularly those involving basinwide water management, renewable energy technologies, and clean coal technologies, offer tremendous opportunities for the economic development of the rural, agricultural economy of North Dakota.

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