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North Dakota Economic Development and Finance
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400 East Broadway, Suite 50 - Bismarck, ND - 701-328-5300
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Department of Commerce Completes Merger
Hoeven Welcomes CBF Group, Inc. to North Dakota
Dept. Of Commerce Foundation Holds First Meeting
Commerce Dept Welcomes Strotheide and Metzger
ND Development Fund Invests More Than $3 Million
image  Department of Commerce/
Job Opening
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Economic Development & Finance is in the process of merging with three other agencies to create a new Department of Commerce. This means you can expect to see several changes during the transition process- a new address, adjustments to job titles, organizational charts, etc.

In the meantime, we are also looking for an additional Associate Project Manager to work as a part of our business development team. For more information, click
and open the file titled Associate Project Manager at the bottom of the page.

Confused about the agency's new structure? An organizational chart is available beneath our staff directory. The inset in the lower left-hand corner is a view of the Commerce Department as a whole.

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