The Economic Development and Finance Division has as its Mission Statement "To provide strategic direction and quality products and services that stimulate and support local economic growth and diversity."In support of this mission, several ED&F; staff members are available to present a variety of topics for your business, organization or association event. These include:
- ND Economic Development & Finance
- ND's Economic Vision for the Future
- ND's Economic Future
- Understanding ND's Information Technology Opportunities
- Information Technology Skills Standards
- ND's Opportunities Within the Challenges
- ND's Economic Performance
To schedule one of these sessions (or uniquely package a presentation for your group), contact Nancy Miller at 701-328-5312 or e-mail her at [email protected].
If you do not have Powerpoint on your computer, you will need to click on ICON LEGEND and download the Powerpoint viewer to access the files listed below.
Presentation: Dr. Steve Cochrane's Presentation - Aug. 9, 2000

Posted on October 17, 2000

Presentation: Dr. Cochrane GNDA Presentation - Oct. 10, 2000

Posted on October 17, 2000