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For immediate release
May 14, 2007

For more information contact
Sara Otte Coleman, Director, Tourism Division
North Dakota Department of Commerce


North Dakota Tourism introduces enhanced Web site, new TV ads

Bismarck, N.D. - Getting people to visit North Dakota is the goal of the North Dakota Department of Commerce Tourism Division. And the tools to do it - an enhanced Web site along with new television ads - were unveiled today to kick off National Tourism Week.

"The Tourism Week theme this year is 'America's Front Door,' which ties in very nicely with our Web site because it has become an increasingly popular gateway for North Dakota's potential visitors. With the enhancements we've added to our site, along with the launch of our television ads, we have truly laid out the welcome mat," says Tourism Director Sara Otte Coleman.

There are four main enhancements to the Tourism Web site. The first enhancement includes four portals that answer tourists' most important vacation planning questions: what to do, where to stay, how to get there and vacation package information. The second enhancement consists of two new blogs that provide first-hand accounts from travelers and professional fisherman, hunters, cyclists and historians. The two remaining enhancements include enhanced photo galleries and improved access to North Dakota Tourism partners through an improved trip planner and better search function.

Web site enhancements will continue in the coming weeks, and visitors should check back for new features.

In addition to the enhanced Web site, North Dakota Tourism also introduced two new television commercials consistent with the targeted strategies.

The television ads build upon successful and proven media messages, Otte Coleman says. The 'Legendary' campaign, now in its sixth year, showcases North Dakota's rich heritage and culture, motivating out-of-state audiences to visit North Dakota. For the first time, there will also be a television ad geared to the city-experience weekend getaway strategy - highlighting shopping, dining and special events.

"The goal is for potential travelers to see themselves taking part in the activities that are unique to our state. The two separate ads allow us to target specific messages that are compelling and promote North Dakota as a travel destination," she says.

'Legendary' broadcast and cable television advertising will air June-August in various markets in Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. 'City-Experience Weekend Getaway' broadcast television advertising will air in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, eastern North Dakota, western Minnesota and western Montana beginning June 18.

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