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 North Dakota Department of Commerce
 1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 2
 Bismarck, ND 58503

Workers Compensation Rates

North Dakota has a state office for Workforce Safety and Insurance, the sole provider and administrator of worker’s compensation coverage.  Insurance is financed entirely through employer premiums.  A company’s premium is determined by applying the rate for a job classification to the amount of taxable payroll in that classification.

The maximum taxable payroll for each employee is capped at 70 percent of the state’s average annual wage.  The current cap is $20,300 (July 1, 2006).

Companies may also be eligible for discounts on their premium based on the company’s “experience rating” or approved safety incentive program participation.

Workers Compensation Rate Examples as of July 1, 2006.
(2006 Wage Cap is $20,300)

Description Class Base Rate Max Annual Charge
@ Wage Cap

Food Processing 2014 $6.98 $1,416.94
Mfg. of Light Metal-Nonmetal 3124 $3.50 $710.50
Foundries-Implement and/or Equip. 3504 $6.49 $1,317.47
Computer/Electron/Assembly 3685 $1.82 $369.46
Trucking and Hauling 7215 $9.15 $1,857.45
Wholesale Warehouse 8016 $2.78 $564.36
Clerical Office Employees 8805 $.44 $89.32
Traveling Reps. 8747 $.80 $162.40

Related Links:

North Dakota Workforce Safety & Insurance

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