Program Descriptions
Community Development

All economic development is local economic development. That's our philosophy. But sometimes communities need help to identify their strengths and to understand and strengthen their weaknesses. That's where ED&F;'s Community Economic Development Team comes in. ED&F;'s trained community development staff helps communities through an inclusive program of community inventory, citizen participation and action planning called BUILD (Better Utilization of Investments for Local Development).

For communities, the work of helping existing businesses, starting new businesses, and finding and attracting solid businesses is time-consuming and complex. Through the self-help BUILD program, the ED&F; staff guides communities through an intensive community inventory, a public input phase, and an ongoing process of business retention, new business start-up and recruitment.

Through the BUILD program, people in rural communities and counties become more aware of their common interests and develop an appreciation for working together. Local leaders prepare a plan of action that serves as a road map for promoting their community.

Start-up or expanding business owners looking for business locations can be confident that BUILD communities have a better understanding of their own role in economic development. Because they are better organized and possess well-honed development tools, BUILD communities can more effectively support new businesses and growth.

ED&F; helps communities in other ways, too. Department professionals refer industry contacts to local communities. These contacts may originate through the Technology Transfer Inc, through the agency's efforts to promote the state as a business location, through efforts by North Dakota's Congressional delegation or from the industries themselves.

In addition, the ED&F; staff helps communities by providing background information on businesses or individuals who may contact the communities. ED&F; also provides, through our research division, an on-line computer network for local developers to exchange leads, share ideas and request help and information.

ED&F;'s Community Services Team helps communities & counties by:

  1. Helping them assess the level of local interest in economic development.
  2. Helping them understand and assess their strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Identifying an organization or group of people in the community who will coordinate local development.
  4. Helping citizens understand the process of economic development and their role in it.
  5. Helping to identify community leaders and financial resources available for economic development.
For more information about our Community Development Programs, contact:
    Ron LeClerc
    Director of Community and Rural Development
    Economic Development and Finance
    1833 East Bismarck Expressway
    Bismarck, ND 58504
    phone (701) 328-5341
    fax (701) 328-5320

    or email: [email protected]

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